An artistic intervention as part of the celebrations for "50 years of the Olympic Games" in Kiel As part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Olympic Center in Kiel Schilksee, we developed an initially temporary intervention.
In the immediate vicinity of the sports facility, we set up a 100-meter-long hopping game on the highly frequented footpath of a promenade. Even if the boxes were put up without numbers, most of the passers-by immediately understood its function due to the popularity of the game. The exaggerated length meant that no matter which side you came from, your sporting ambition was awakened in a childishly playful way. At the same time, the intervention encouraged everyone to accept this challenge and master the route. The Olympic idea focuses on the combination of sport and culture. The Olympic values excellence, friendship and respect - form the basis for fair and sustainable sport worldwide and are at the heart of the Olympic movement.
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