The work melt consisting of 65 cyanotype prints, 30 x 40 cm each, is centered in climate emergency, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels. The glacier lagoon, where these prints where produced, directly flows into the open sea as the title notes:
melt, Kvíárjökull / Vatnajökull Glacier, 63°56'20.2128''N, 16°27'40.2631''W, Iceland, 02. June 2023
Each cyanotype print was created at the glacier lagoon itself by using chunks of melting glacier ice. The sun, which initiates this photographic process, also initiates the disappearance of the ice. The melting ice writes itself into the substrate through the cyanotype process leaving amorphic shapes behind as if capturing the last traces of the inevitably lost glacier ice. The resulting work is evidence of the slow loss of our glaciers world wide.
Fundet with the Stipend of Neustart plus and Stiftung Kunstfond.